Tuesday, March 20, 2007

This Day In NY History: March 21st, 2007

1790...Thomas Jefferson takes office as the first Secretary of State in the new nation's capital, New York City.1792...Brokers gather beneath a tree on Wall Street to begin trading in the New York Stock Exchange.1946...The United Nations sets up temporary headquarters at Hunter College's Bronx campus.

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Health officials agree...

Marijuana dealers do not hunt our teens as much as alcohol companies do.

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Gore on Climate Change: Scientists Respond

Gore is a lay person, he is not a scientist, and he's careful to say that. But that said, he does get the big picture very well. Most scientists say he really can see the forest for the trees.

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Downloading Pirated Anything Is NOT Illegal

Check out the case law and the laws on the books. Downloading pirated ANYTHING is not illegal!

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BREAKING: The Patriot Act has gotten Weaker!

Today the senate voted 94-2 to cancel a Justice Department-authored provision in the Patriot Act that had allowed the attorney general to appoint U.S. attorneys without Senate confirmation. One less provision for the Bush Administration to abuse!

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Why Google wanted YouTube to be Sued

"No matter how you spun it, a lawsuit was waiting to pounce on YouTube. And when the lawsuit came, it would be from multi-billion dollar media conglomerates. Worst of all, people feared it will trigger a landslide of more lawsuits. And even still, Google bought YouTube. Now I wonder, maybe Google actually wanted to be sued."

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March 18, 2007 -- Mayor Bloomberg killed a study on the city's response to the 9/11 attacks after his lawyers said they did not want a report that cited any missteps or dealt with "environmental" or "respirator issues," says a former city official.

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Dave Chappelle Stand Up - Scared Of The Police

Dave Chappelle describes his fears of the police.

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Zombie has photos from the "US out of Iraq" rally

Somehow, Zombie always manages to capture the side of the protests that the Media sort of forgets to include in their reports.Looks like it was a sexy protest to me.

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NYC Officers Plead Not Guilty in Shooting Death

Three New York City Police officers plead not guilty to manslaughter charges in the killing of Sean Bell, an unarmed man who was shot to death outside a Queens nightclub just hours before he was due to get married.

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