Saturday, March 24, 2007

Voters Appalled Over Forced Amendment to Marijuana Law Passed by the People

Missoula, MT has fallen victim to the illusion of democracy. Initiative 2, passed on November 7th, 2006 was passed to recommend a lower priority to marijuana-based crimes.. Now, on March 22nd, 2007, the County Commissioners have voted (2-1) to alter the initiative. The reason? "A gut feeling" that voters weren't aware of what they voted for.

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Colbert says Impeach Bush now...

Stephen Colbert challenges the Democrats to impeach Bush now. He's just been taunting you all these years with the outing of Valerie Plame, WMD lies, Katrina tragedy, wiretapping, attorney firings, etc. etc. etc...

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Please Explain: What's in a Twinkie?

MP3 Downloadlinks on the bottom of the page, amazing information in it.Direct link to Mp3 is listen about what we put in our body chemically.

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