Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Noninterference vs Mass Broadcast

--We live in sad times. After two students are shot in the face and no one was caught for it, VA Tech decided it was best to send out emails to warn the students instead of a using the Public Address system to warn of the danger.
--Pre 9/11 there was a ton of information on Bin Laden using our planes against us, USA waited till after the attack then went to war with a different country, instead of making our airlines more secure. It cant be too difficult to make sure everyone going on a flight has proper identification and no metal objects.
--Thailand's tsunami is another example. A huge earthquake hit at 07:58:53 local time. Sensors around the world knew it hit 22 minutes after the huge quake. The first waves started hitting at around 10:00:00 local time. Between the 2 hours, there could have been MASS broadcasting to all coastal areas to get to higher grounds.

Why doesn't this occur? I have a few thoughts on it.

Leaders would rather have dead people on their hands then to be wrong, cause a mass panic, and be sued by everyone. Also, even though we can transfer data at light speeds around the world, the peoples airwaves have been stolen from them from the "leaders" who set up the system. And since the system has been divided up unequally between too few, nothing works together and at its no way near its full potential. The people on this planet need an awakening and it will never happen, we love competition, being better then other people, and having power over others. That's why when these events happen, it makes me angry at society for being so secretive. To exist in society (my job, my health, my food...not my private life), there should be NO encryption, which doesn't bother anyone other then the people in charge who have secret corporations, and money under the desk deals. We as a people should outlaw EVERY PRIVATE SECTOR and have a free and equal society. Every closed circuit, every government deal, every bandwidth should be out in the open for the world to see.

Please comment on how you feel, how you can improve this society, or why I am a total jackass.

"Plan to hijack an aircraft by Islamic radical" pre 9/11 report by France

French secret services produced nine reports between September 2000 and August 2001 looking at the al Qaeda threat to the United States, and knew it planned to hijack an aircraft, the French daily Le Monde said on Monday. One document prepared in January 2001 was entitled "Plan to hijack an aircraft by Islamic radicals",

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Bush rejects any Iraq pull-out deadline

US President George W. Bush, ahead of talks with lawmakers pushing for an Iraq withdrawal timetable, warned Monday that he would reject a pending war-funding bill if it comes with a deadline. Bush accused Democrats of trying to "legislate defeat in this vital war."

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