Sunday, March 25, 2007

John Bolton denies Bush admin called Iraq 'imminent threat' -- but they did

Former Ambassador Bolton: "The president never made the argument that [Saddam Hussein] constituted an imminent threat." .. Then-Press Secretary Scott McClellan circa Feb, 2003 speaking about Iraq: "This is about imminent threat." Hmm. In fact, there are multiple occasions of White House officials saying just that about Iraq in the run to the war.

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Freedom from Religion - George Carlin's take on religion

George Carlin pretty much sums up why Religion is the greatest threat to humanity. Please enjoy and realize that freedom from religion is an option for everyone!

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US presidential candidates outline ideas for universal health care

Democratic candidates define their health care positions and promise health insurance for all. Read how it will be accomplished according to the candidates positions.

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Contractor Says Human Remains From WTC Site Used To Fill Potholes

A city contractor who worked on the World Trade Center recovery effort said Friday that pulverized human remains were used to pave roads and fill potholes.

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NYPD Spied On Activists Before RNC

The NYPD reportedly spied on political activists all over the world before the 2004 Republican National Convention -- including those who had no plans to break the law. More…

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