Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fox News: If not for Clinton, Americans would be afraid of Black president

Dick Morris: "MORRIS: But you know, back to your question of scared. You have to ask yourself, the first black man is running for president and nobody's afraid of him, because everybody's afraid of Hillary."

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Black is White. War is Peace. It's just another White House press briefing.

WH Deputy Press Secretary Dana Perino said Bush's "surge" strategy is a response to polls showing that most Americans disapproved of Bush's bungling of the war . "The American people have wanted change in Iraq " Perino said. "The president announced a new policy on January 10th that was quite different and divergent from where we were before."

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Right Wing Uses Cropped Photo To Downplay Size Of Iraq Protest

"After thousands of demonstrators gathered in Najaf, Iraq, yesterday to protest the U.S. occupation, the Bush administration was quick to downplay the size of the gathering. State Department official David Satterfield said, “I think the small size of those demonstrations is an indication of the limited appeal of Muqtada al-Sadr’s.."

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Bush's New Spy Chief Wants More Agressive Powers

Surveillance could include planting listening devices and hidden cameras, searching luggage and breaking into homes to make copies of computer hard drives.

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Obama challenges McCain on Iraq stroll

Democrat Barack Obama on Tuesday challenged Republican White House rival John McCain for using a heavily guarded trip to a Baghdad market as evidence thatIraq's security is improving.

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ARMY Proposes Extending Tours for Everyone in Iraq

A decision that effects tens of thousands of American families . . .

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Cheney Sticks to His Delusions

"Faced with overwhelming evidence to the contrary, even President Bush has backed off his earlier inflammatory assertions about links between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein." -- Cheney still doesn't. That's the Veep for ya: living in his own political fantasy world where facts have no merit.

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Video: Tom Delay compares himself to the 6 million jews of the Holocaust

"it doesn't matter if it's 6 million jews or one man getting investigated, it's the exact same thing. " no Tom, no it isn't. shame on you.

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Google Earth maps out Darfur atrocities

As of today, when the 200 million users of Google Earth log onto the site, they will be able to view the horrific details of what's happening in Darfur for themselves.

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